Sunday, 27 February 2011


     We commonly hear the term "crack" in reference to a quite unappealing drug. Throughout my life I have commonly heard phrases like "crack-whore" or "you must be high on crack". A lot of people seem to be uneducated about many different drugs, so today's blog is devoted specifically to the topic of crack. What is crack? What are some of the possible psychological and physical symptoms of using crack? How do people use crack?

1. What is crack? To answer this we first must talk about cocaine hydrochloride, or more commonly known as cocaine or "coke". Cocaine is a strong central nervous system stimulant. A stimulant refers to a drug that has an altering, arousing and stimulating effect on the central nervous system. In short, a stimulant such as cocaine can produce alertness, talkativeness, increases in confidence and a diminution of appetite. When users are using cocaine (and crack) they experience euphoria. Euphoria is an experience of intense pleasure and is usually accompanied by optimism and a deep sense of well-being.
     The reason cocaine had to be discussed it because crack is created from cocaine. By removing the hydrochloride from cocaine, a more pure drug is created. The process of removing the hydrochloride from cocaine is called "freebasing" and is done chemically. This freebasing of cocaine creates crack. Crack is a more potent form of cocaine. Crack is highly addictive.

2. Some Possible Psychological Effects of Using Crack:
- Irritability
- Restlessness
- Paranoia
- Anxiety
- Suicidal Behaviour
- Extreme depression experiences
- In some cases users can experience psychosis which when they lose touch with reality. The user may experience auditory hallucinations which is hearing things that are not actually there.

3. Some Possible Physical Effections of Using Crack:
- Increased body temperature, blood pressure and heart rate
- Heart attack
- Stroke
- Convulsions
- Abdominal pain
- Headaches
- Sudden death

4. How do Users Use Crack?
 Crack gets the name "crack" because when it is smoked, it tends to make cracking sounds. Inhalation is the most common way of using crack. It gives users a high in just seconds. Another way of using crack is to inject it using a needle. The crack is melted down into a liquid form.

5. Other Names for Crack:
- Rock
- Freebase

    In movies we commonly see people using cocaine or crack and movies tend to give the appearance that it is a high end, expensive drug. In reality, the price of these drugs has become much more affordable and more easily accessable than before. This is important to note because even adolescents can be able to afford these drugs. It is quite scary. After tolerance begins to grow, using cocaine and crack can be a very expensive habit because as tolerance builds, users dependent on these drugs rely on more of the drug to get the same effects as they once did.

    Parents should first educate themselves on different drugs and teach their children about them. I never got any form of "drug talk" other than "stay away from drugs". My parents probably still have no clue as to what crack, coke or many other drugs even are. If parents educate themselves and their children about the negative effects of drugs, they are probably more likely to see their kids staying away from drugs. Here is a possible scenario:
     A grade 10 student feels left out, lonely, and depressed. They become friends with someone that is not in their school and starts going to parties with this individual. They drink alcohol and smoke a little bit of pot here and there. One day, the "new friend" says "lets try something different". The grade 10 student (having no education or knowledge of drugs) agrees to try something new (not being aware of what could potentially happen). The student takes a few hits of crack. What could happen? Well, first of all, crack is highly addictive so it could be likely he will become addicted. He feels great. He loves the euphoric feeling. Finally, he fits in. Two years later... He dropped out of school. He spends approximately 60 dollars a day on crack. He lives on the street, and begs for money. He left his family because they wanted him to stop using.
    This scenario is not an actual one, but it very easily could happen. When I was in high school there was VERY minimal education in regards to drugs and the effects so I urge parents to consider educating themselves and their children about as many different kinds of drugs as possible.
    Below are some references as well as some information for getting yourself or someone you know help. Everyone has potential in life. Everyone has the ability to change and improve. Believe in yourself.

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